Lighting Upgrades at Imperial

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Imperial College London

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Imperial is upgrading its lighting to low-energy LED technology to reduce carbon emissions.

While new buildings are already equipped with LEDs, this program will be the first stand-alone initiative to upgrade lighting without it being part of other renovations.

The first buildings to benefit will be Flowers and the Electrical Engineering buildings on the South Kensington Campus. In the Flowers building, approximately 1,100 lights will be replaced, with about 69% being retrofitted into existing fixtures to keep costs low. For fittings that need replacing, Imperial are sourcing directly from manufacturers to further reduce expenses.

This upgrade will cut energy consumption by 137,680 kWh annually, decreasing Imperial's carbon footprint by 68 tonnes per year, and eliminate maintenance costs for the next 10 years.

The Electrical Engineering building is also being prioritized for its suitability for easily-upgraded energy-efficient controls. Light levels will be set using sensors to switch off lights in unoccupied spaces, maximizing energy savings.

The work was all completed in time for the Autumn 2024 term.

This work is part of Imperial's journey to a net zero estate by 2040.