Imperial's Beef with Beef

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Imperial College London

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Imperial's catering division is transforming its operations to become a leader in sustainable catering within the UK university sector.

The introduction of the Sustainable Food and Drink Policy in 2022 has guided the catering team’s efforts, with a focus on reducing beef options with their "Beef with Beef" campaign, and increasing plant-based offerings. Beef has been reduced by 86%, and the goal is to phase it out entirely by 2025. Non-dairy milk is now offered for free, and wild-caught venison has replaced beef in some outlets.

Plantworks, opened in 2019, was the College's first entirely plant-based outlet.

Initiatives like the MiCup reusable cup program, a levy on single-use cups, and the introduction of vegan menus have further supported the college’s sustainability goals. These changes are expected to significantly reduce Imperial's carbon footprint, while educational campaigns encourage students and staff to make more sustainable food choices.

An example of some of the communications campaign, speaking to the STEMB audience. These posters are used on digital screens and pop-up banners across campus – specifically in catering areas