Carbon Accounting Software

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V&A South Kensington

As the V&A transitions into a multi-site institution, accurately tracking emissions and measuring performance against its Net Zero targets has become even more crucial.

The museum’s ambitious goal of achieving Net Zero by 2035 required more precise reporting and monitoring of emissions to gauge progress and focus efforts. While the V&A had a solid grasp of its Scope 1 and 2 emissions, understanding of its Scope 3 emissions—spanning the museum’s operations and supply chain—was limited, with no near-term reduction targets in place.

To address this, the V&A implemented carbon accounting software, Normative, to improve tracking and measurement of emissions across all scopes and museum functions. This also enabled better engagement with the supply chain in pursuit of its Net Zero goals.

By completing its 2023/24 emissions baseline for Scopes 1, 2, and 3, the V&A has now identified the areas and suppliers contributing the most to its overall emissions. Moving forward, the museum will work with Normative to develop carbon reduction pathways, set near-term targets, and create a supplier engagement plan.

A key priority is enhancing the data strategy for Scope 3, transitioning from a spend-based to an activity-based approach for more accurate emissions calculations. This will be integrated into the museum’s new Climate Action Plan and sustainability strategy.

With an accurate and auditable carbon assessment for 2023/24, the V&A is now equipped to identify clear reduction opportunities across the institution, ensuring resources are allocated effectively to meet its Net Zero ambitions.